29 May 2024
Lanesboro, Co. Longford.
Thanks to all competitors and all those who volunteered to helped out with the organisation, marshalling and post race refreshments.
You can find all the results from the 2022 race here.
Two Provinces Aquathon is part of the Midlands 2024 series.
We have the warmest swim in Ireland and will have several boats and crews on hand from our local sub-aqua club along with plethora of experienced kayakers to guide your way or stay by your side for support. The out-and-back run is largely flat with a small trail section to begin with.
We have hassle free parking for all competitors right beside transition in the public car park. Post-race refreshments will include fruit, water and followed by a social event with tea, coffee, cakes and some other treats for all competitors and their companions.
Two Provinces Aquathon – Race Day Information
NOTE: All details for the 2024 event are provisional and subject to change.
1. Parking
Please see map below of competitor parking for the Two Provinces Triathlon, which will be located in the village car park. It is ideally located beside transition and a short walk to registration. There will be street parking available on the Main St and we request that you do not block driveways or park on double yellow lines.

2. Timetable
As we have a event notification in place with Longford Council we will be under great pressure from the Gardaí to ensure the race runs to the time schedule which is planned. To avoid disappointment please be on time!
Wednesday (TBC)
18:00-19:00 | Race sign on will take place in St Mary’s Hall, located beside the carpark. |
18:00-19:15 | Transition opened. Transition will close at 19:15 sharp. Transition is located beside Lough Ree on the Longford side of the river. |
19:15 – 19:20 | Race briefing |
19:20-19:30 | Enter water |
19:30 | Start |
20:30 | Anticipated finish |
21:00 | Prize giving/social event |
It is essential to be on time for this race to avoid any disappointment.
3. Traffic Plan
For health and safety during the Two Provinces Aquathon the following arrangements will be in place:
- The Rathcline road from entrance to trail leading into the quarry and onto Harolds Cross from 07:30pm to 8:30pm will have traffic marshalled and directed by An Garda. There may be a small amount of local traffic.
4. Registration
You must have your 2024 Triathlon Ireland membership card or One Day Licence in order to race. Only one member of a relay team is required to have a TI or One Day Licence. Your 2024 TI membership card must include a photo. one-day licence (ODL) can be purchased from the TI website or on the night.
You will not race without presenting your TI card or ODL proof of purchase.
If you hold an International Racing Licence your licence may be used at Triathlon Ireland sanctioning events, providing the organisation you are a valid member of is affiliated with the ITU. If you do not have your physical membership card at registration, along with a valid form of identification you will not be allowed to race as you will not be covered by insurance unless you purchase a ODL.
Registration will be in St Mary’s Hall, which is located next to the carpark, on TBC from 18:00-19:00.
5. Transition
The transition zone is located beside the car park and harbour on the Lanesboro side of the river. Transition will open from 18:00 until 19:15. Please note that no bags may be left in transition during the race.
6. Race Briefing
The race briefing will take place beside transition at 19:20. Attendance is compulsory. The race will be run according to current ITU Competition Rules. For more information see http://www.triathlon.org/uploads/docs/itusport_competition-rules-2013_final.pdf
7. Swim Course
The swim will take place in Lough Ree. Your own wetsuits and swim caps must be worn. Competitors will be led down to the water at 19:20 to provide plenty of time for warm-up in the water before the first wave begins at 19:30. Competitors will be counted into the water. The swim will have a waist- to chest-high, static start, and will not begin until all competitors are in the water. There will be a number of boats and kayakers, as well as life guards on duty to assist swimmers. If you are a weak swimmer it is advisable to stay to the back, as you save energy and time trying to avoid the stronger swimmers. There is a swim cut-off time of 40 minutes.

8. Run Course
The run course starts out via the quarry and then onto Rathcline Road. The Rathcline Road section is an out and back course returning through the quarry and out to Rathcline road via the trail through the woods on to the turnaround point near Harold’s Cross and returning back on the Rathcline Road and then via a private road and then into the car park and onto the finish chute. Water stations will be located at 0.5km at the quarry exit and 2km/3km along the route. The finish line is located beside the transition area. Again please respect our neighbours and refrain from littering on the course, for example, please place used plastic drinking cups in the bins provided.

9. Marshals
As this is a club race, all marshals are volunteers and are giving up their time to help run a safe race for all involved. It is therefore important to treat all Marshals with respect, if you meet one – smile and say thanks. To appreciate the scale of local involvement from various clubs and societies, we will have a minimum of 125 marshals involved on the day of the race.
10. Anti-Doping Policy
Lanesboro Triathlon Clun is committed to providing a drug-free environment at our race. As such, we support and follow the Irish Sports Council’s protocols on anti-doping. Anti-doping testing is part of the ISC’s National Anti-Doping Programme that acts to protect Ireland’s sporting integrity against the threat of doping. For more information, see http://www.irishsportscouncil.ie/Anti-Doping/About_Us/National_Anti-Doping_Programme/.
We have prepared facilities for anti-doping testing in line with Irish Sports Council requirements.
11. Recovery
Prior to the race, Tea/coffee and other snacks will be available in nearby SuperValu. Water and fruit will be provided at the finish line. Tea/coffee and other snacks will be available at the post-race social/prize giving event.
12. Prize Giving
All prizes will be awarded immediately after the race circa 21:00.
13. Race Day Prizes
Prizes TBC.
Last, but certainly not least…
We would like to take this opportunity to thank our sponsors, who are helping, along with others, to make this event possible.
We extend our gratitude also for all the support we have received from Longford County Councils, local sub aqua club, An Garda, the town of Lanesboro and Ballyleague and the local businesses for accommodating this year’s event and to all the volunteers from various local clubs and societies who have given their time, facilities and equipment in order to make this event successful.